Konsensya sa Balota
“Siisay mga kandidato ta padi?” An hapot kan komadre kong si Leila. “Itong mga malinig sa konsyensia ko madi.” An simbag ko. Iyo ini an...

The Man who could be Pope, Final Part
If an American prelate will be the next choice in the conclave, easily, Cardinal Tobin’s myriad albeit important roles in the Roman Curia...

Dawani, Bicol Magazine
Kung saindong magigiromdoman an mga babasahon kaidtong mga inot na panahon kan dai pa uso an internet, maogmahon magbasa kan Reader’s...

Baldo’s wife to run for mayor
By Rhaydz B. Barcia ROMELLA “Lhal” Apuli-Baldo, wife of Daraga Mayor Carlwyn Baldo, stepped into the political spotlight on Tuesday,...

“I’m the best man to beat!” – Lagman
By Rhaydz B. Barcia “I’m the best man to beat,” declared Albay Governor Edcel “Grex” B. Lagman after filing his certificate of candidacy...
Masbate gubernatorial race heats up
By Rhaydz B. Barcia THREE influential political figures in the island province of Masbate are set to compete for the governorship in the...
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Wisdom 7:7-11 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 R. (14) Fill us with...
Maghapot kita ki Father
Dear Father Bill, Tano po ta kada Mission Sunday sa bulan ni Oktobre, pigsasadol kita maghiras nin pinansyal na suporta sa paagi nin...

Embracing Hope: Bikol Catholic Schools gather for the BACS 2024 Regional Assembly
By Martin Angelo J. Espenida From the 3rd to the 4th of October, 2024, Catholic schools around the Bikol Region gathered for the Bikol...

Holy Rosary Minor Seminary Launches “Dos SyentosKwarentang Lindong” Stewardship of Creation Program
By Michelle Gallora NAGA CITY, Philippines – In a vibrant display of community spirit and environmental stewardship, the Holy Rosary...

Team Naga files certificates of candidacy
By Jason B. Neola FORMER Vice President Ma. Leonor “Leni” Robredo officially filed her certificate of candidacy for mayor of Naga on...

2 aspiring lawmakers, mayor file COC
By Connie Calipay LEGAZPI CITY --- Two aspirants for congressional seats and one for mayor filed their certificates of candidacy (COC) in...

NIA brings P29/kg BBM rice to remote areas
By Connie Calipay THE National Irrigation Association (NIA) 5 (Bicol) is set to sell the Bagong Bayaning Magsasaka (BBM) rice in several...
SSS to provide easier access to services, transactions in the cities of Legazpi and Ligao
LEGAZPI CITY --- The Social Security System (SSS) on Tuesday signed multiple agreements with Hon. Carmen Geraldine B. Rosal, the City...

Summer marathon Olympian shares joy as SSS pensioner
By Ana-Liza S. Macatangay IN his heyday as the Philippines’ contestant in the 1968 Summer Olympics marathon, Benjamin Silva Netto enjoyed...