Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph First Reading: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5. R. (cf. 1) ...
Maghapot kita ki Father
Dear Father Bill, Igwa po ako amiga na nagbalik sa Katolikong Simbahan ngunian na Pasko nin Pagkamundag. Ano po an mawot sabihon kan...

Most Rev. REX ANDREW C. ALARCON, D.D. Archbishop of Caceres As Christmastime was approaching, we have been experiencing continuous rains,...
Archbishop invites Filipino youth to NYD in Caceres
The prelate of the Archdiocese of Caceres, Rex Andrew C. Alarcon, D.D., also the chairman of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth has...
Pope Francis launches Jubilee 2025 with opening of Holy Door
By Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency VATICAN --- Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica before Mass on Christmas...
PATANID SA MGA CANDIDATO: Bawal mag-epal sa pagwaras nin payouts o ayuda-Comelec
Andam magrecibe an Commission on Election (Comelec) nin formal na reclamo alagad puede man isangat sa fiscalia contra sa arin man na...

Besperas nin Pasko naggabat si trafico sa Andaya Highway
Naggabat si bulos kan trafico sa besperas kan Pasko sa Andaya Highway sa Lupi, Camarines Sur huli kan paghuros kan daga sa irarum kan...

SA 3rd IMPEACHMENT CASE VS DUTERTE: Mga kaalyadong diputado ni PBBM sa Bicol paleman-leman
Ano nangyari sa mga kaalyado na Bicolanong diputado ni Presidente Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. digdi sa Bicol envez na piglalaoman sinda...

LGUs sa Partido area nagtaas an income classification
Ni Sonny Malate Nagtaas an income classification kan dakol na mga local government unit (LGU) sa bilog na nacion base sa pinakahuring...
‘‘Iwas Paputok’’ pagirumdom kan DOH sa pagsabat kan bagong taon
Kulang na nin sarong semana antes kan pagsabat sa Bagong Taon 2025, an Department of Health (DOH) Bicol liwat nagpagirumdum sa publico...

Tigsik ko ining ginatos na multo Gabos peke, anas palsipikado Gamit kan Bossing sa palokoloko Parakulimbat kan milyones na fundo! Tigsik...

Tigsik ko an kadaklan kun panahon nin Pasko, Nasa isip ninda kwarta, mga kakanon, regalo. Irinuman, karakakanan baga nin pahinggusto,...

Albay politics heats up with strong accusations
By Jason B. Neola with BM Reportorial Staff THE political stage in Albay has never been short of intrigue, but the recent declarations of...
Legacion secures P37M school building for Pili school
By Jordan Domingo Demonstrating his commitment to education and development, Mayor Nelson Legacion of Naga City, as chairman of the Metro...

CamSur, Naga’s Zonta unite vs gender violence
By Antonette B. Eduardo ACCORDING to the Philippine National Police (PNP), there have been 209 reported cases of Violence against Women...