Road clearing operations sa brgy mandato kan DILG
Yaon sa poder kan mga Barangay Council an pag-implementar kan ‘'road-clearing operations’’ (RCOs) sa saindang area of responsibility base...
NGCP nagptindog nin 4,133 dagdag na linya
Sa tahaw kan haloy na proceso sa pagkua nin permit, right of way, asin abalang pag-aprubar kan gobierno, an National Grid Corporation of...

D A R N A a a !
Tigsik ko po an malanding bading Sa mall, nahiling si Coco Martin Aw, kinilig, nagpakindingkinding Sa stage, tolong beses nagtumbling!...

Tigsik ko an mga misis na sa celfon nababangkag Asin napapabayaan na an mga trabaho sa langag Kaya mga pigluluto, matabang, tuprod,...
Naga declares Spanish-era bldgs as Important Cultural Properties
By Jason B. Neola The Sanggunian Resolution declaring as important cultural properties (ICP) the two Spanish-era stone buildings located...

PNR acts on railroad crossing accidents
By Jason B. Neola THE top management of the Philippine National Railways (PNR), headed by Atty. Celeste Lauta, general manager of the...
Pregnant women to benefit from govt’s dietary program
By Connie Calipay LEGAZPI CITY --- At least 1,138 pregnant women in four provinces in the Bicol Region will receive nutritional support...
NGCP’s Mariveles-Hermosa-San Jose500kV Line now at full 8,000MW capacity
On 23 June 2024, NGCP energized the Hermosa-San Jose 500-kiloVolt (kV) transmission line at its full 8,000 MegaWatts (MW) capacity. A...
MNWD enhances water infrastructure for future growth
By Jason B. Neola THE Metropolitan Naga Water District (MNWD) is pursuing its expansion program to meet the water requirements of its...
Ordinance furthering governance transparency proposed
By Jason B. Neola CITY Councilor Joselito S.A. Del Rosario has introduced a new ordinance aimed at bolstering transparency, efficiency,...

EDITORIAL: Judicial Integrity
THE recent dismissal of Judge Raphiel Alzate from the Ilocos Sur Regional Trial Court by the Supreme Court of the Philippines underscores...

Resign and Run
Towards the later part of the past week, we were treated with the surprise of Vice President Sarah Duterte’s resignation as DepEd...

Mayong Delikadesa o Sobrang Ambisyon
Iba-iba an nagin reaksyon ko kan nabasa ko an news online na segun ki Bise Presidente Sara Duterte, makandidato sa pagka senador sa 2025...

The mother of all Mother Tongues: Language as part of the Bicolano Identity, Part 1
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” ...

The Farm
There will be 10 billion people on earth by 2050, which means there will be a greater need for farms to provide food and nourishment....