WATER DISTRIBUTION. Camarines Sur Gov. Migz Villafuerte ordered the immediate distribution of clean water to Barangay Angustia, Nabua in assistance to its residents having a hard time sourcing for clean water in the aftermath of the heavy flooding caused by TD Usman in the latter days of 2018. jmts/rbmjr/mmec013019 with photos from fb_GovMigzVillafuerte
WATER DISTRIBUTION. Camarines Sur Gov. Migz Villafuerte ordered the distribution of clean water to Barangay Sagrada in Buhi, Ombao Polpog in Bula, and Salvacion Que Gatos in Nabua to residents who had a hard time sourcing for clean water after the onslaught of TD Usman in the last days of 2018. jmts/rbmjr/mmec013019 with photos from fb_GovMigzVillafuerte
WATER DISTRIBUTION. Camarines Sur Gov. Migz Villafuerte ordered the immediate distribution of clean water to Barangay San Roque, Bula in assistance to its residents having a hard time sourcing for clean water in the aftermath of the heavy flooding caused by TD Usman in the latter days of 2018. jmts/rbmjr/mmec013019 with photos from fb_GovMigzVillafuerte
WATER DISTRIBUTION. Camarines Sur Gov. Migz Villafuerte ordered the immediate distribution of clean water to Barangay San Roque, Bato in assistance to its residents having a hard time sourcing for clean water in the aftermath of the heavy flooding caused by TD Usman in the latter days of 2018. jmts/rbmjr/mmec013019 with photos from fb_GovMigzVillafuerte