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MNWD continues to support Naga’s FOM Program

The FOM Turn-over Ceremony was participated in by Grade 5 and 6 pupils, faculty, and PTA members of the Mac Mariano Elementary School together with Ms. Maria Fe B. Hermosura, Principal (back row, 6th from left), Adelina L. Denido, PSDS District VII (front row, 3rd from right), and the MNWD employees.

ON February 22, 2020, Saturday, the Metropolitan Naga Water District (MNWD), attended the Turn-over Ceremony of Planting Materials in line with the Forest-in-our-Midst (FOM) Program at the Mac Mariano Elementary School, Kayangga St., Naga City. Pupils from Grade 5 and 6 together with their respective class advisers and representatives of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) expressed their support to the said activity.

The FOM Program is an initiative of the Local Government Unit of Naga in partnership with MNWD and other stakeholders. To maximize urban forestry, MNWD likewise integrated Department of Education (DepEd) into the program by replicating “mini-forests” inside the school’s premises.

School Principal Maria Fe B. Hermosura expressed her gratitude and excitement over the implementation of FOM at Mac Mariano Elementary School. In her welcome remarks, she acknowledged the pupils and parents for their efforts and support to the program as this will bring better to the children and the community. Meanwhile, Ms. Adelina L. Denido, Public School District Supervisor (District VII), addressed the participants that the activity and the trees that will be planted are this year’s graduating batch’s gift to the future pupils of Mac Mariano Elementary. She enjoined the participants to ensure that the trees be given proper care and attention for the benefit of everyone and the environment.

Further, on behalf of the MNWD Management, OIC-Department Manager Vicente Aniceto D. Rubio, provided a brief overview of the activity and the importance of developing “mini-forests” in schools and at home. He likewise shared valuable inputs about the importance of watersheds and the environment to ensure sustainability of all natural resources.

After the short program, the group proceeded to the planting site for the culmination of the activity with a total of 174 seedlings planted on that day.

The same activity was launched at Triangulo Elementary School last January 13, 2020. Through the efforts of the Environment and Water Resources Division (EWRD), MNWD had the opportunity to bring together for a good cause, the students and faculty of Triangulo Elementary School headed by Principal Neil Romano S. Manaog.

Present during the event were MNWD Chairman of the Board of Directors Jorge T. Palma and GM Virgilio B. Luansing I, who were very grateful for the school’s partnership and efforts to bring sound consciousness among the students about the importance of water and the environment. (APVSGonzales)

One of the students of Mac Mariano Elementary School planting the seedling out of the 174 provided by MNWD that were initially grown from its own nursery.

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