DepEd Naga to set up camps to enhance learning outcomes
By Paulo DS. Papa
THE Department of Education (DepEd), thru its National Learning Recovery program, is set to establish learning camps in public schools in this city on July 24, this year. The camp, which will operate for 5 weeks, aims to address the learning gaps of the students brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In a press briefing last week, City School Division Superintendent Susan S. Collano confirmed that the limited academic activities and lack of school interactions from the learners that have caused learning gaps were among the ill-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
She said that the learning gaps hampered the students to meet the learning standard which is expected of them by their teachers and parents.
“That is why we are seriously enjoining our students to make themselves available at the camp to actively participate,” she said. Collano said that grade 7 and 8 students are the target clients of the camp.
She said the camp will focus in English, Science and Math subjects. “The students will surely enjoy their stay at the camp since its activities will be undertaken outdoor,” the DepEd official said.
While enrolled and participating in the camp’s activities, the students are required to attend their regular or in-person classes 3 days per week.
She said the learning camp has three divisions wherein the students will go through depending upon the intervention that a student needs. These are: enhancement, consolidation and intervention camps.
The enhancement camp will be attended by the students considered as advance learners who wish to enrich their knowledge, skills and understanding about their learning area of competencies. This camp will operate for three weeks.
The session at the consolidation camp, which will continue to operate for 5 days shall cater to students who need further practice and application of previously taught competencies while the intervention camp is for students who were identified with high needs or those learners who are yet to grasp foundational Math and English skills. This class will also run for five weeks. Students who completed the sessions in this camp means receiving passing grades in the subjects.
As of this writing, the camp has already registered 1,851 students in Naga City, composed of 952 boys and 899 girls. About 238 teachers have already signed up as mentors in the camps.
Interested students have to formally manifest their willingness to join the camp in their respective schools. They are also advised to get permission first from their parents or guardians before setting in.
The deadline of registration is on July 21, this year. Late enrollees may still be accommodated until July 24.