Digital gaming as teaching aid in schools
By Sally Altea
LEGAZPI CITY --- The Schools Division of Albay has developed a game-based learning package in support of the MATATAG Basic Education agenda of the Department of Education (DepEd).
MATATAG stands for “Make the curriculum relevant to produce job-ready, Active and responsible citizens; TAke steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and provision facilities; TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusiveness learning, and positive learning environment; and Give support for teachers to teach better”.
The MATATAG agenda focuses on programs and reforms that aim to produce competent, job-ready, active, responsible, and patriotic citizens.
Froilan Tena, DepEd information officer for Albay, said the package aims to reinforce basic skills education and enrichment of learning in the classroom as a sub-program under the National Learning Recovery Program.
“The gamified learning experiences are activities composed of physical and digital games aimed to reinforce learning, particularly those of the critical contents.
In addition, these learning activities are fun-filled, providing learners with camp-like experiences while learning the critical content,” Tena said.
The Gamified Learning Resource Packages provide science, English, and mathematics students with offline games, manipulative toys, lesson maps, session guides, and activity sheets.
“It is a dream come true for me and the rest of the Schools Division Office of Albay team because we saw the need to come up with new strategies, with innovations, so we can cope with the demand of our learners that might be relevant to their needs,” Albay Schools Division Supervisor Nene R. Merioles said.
The gamified learning packages were created by 237 chosen teachers and developers in the province.
Merioles is seeking partners and sponsors to reproduce and distribute learning materials to teachers.
“We need partners who can support this. This is the first in Bicol. We are also asking support from our teachers, and school heads to maximize and utilize these learning materials fully,” she said.
Gamification in education refers to the use of game mechanics and design principles to enhance learning outcomes.
Game-based learning involves the use of educational games and simulations to increase engagement, motivation, and knowledge retention. (PIA5/Albay)
Teachers in Albay tested the digital games as added tool to reinforce learning of students. (Photo courtesy of Department of Education - Albay)