Laudato Si Week celebrated with tree planting
March 22-29 is Laudato Si Week in this year 2022.
It’s the Seventh Year when Pope Francis gave his Encyclical Laudato Si, Care for Our Common Home.
The Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Joseph in San Jose adopts the Green Patio Project of the Caceres Ministry on Ecology in view of greening the patio and promoting native tree species.
Mass of Creation was celebrated by Fr Louie Occiano with Fr Eric Bobis as Homilist and Fr Misael Quindo as concelebrant. Fr. Bobis emphasized the importance of little efforts in combating the huge battle against ecological destructions through change of hearts and the role of St Joseph being guardian of the Holy Family to be the guardian also of All Creation.
Tree planting followed after the Mass with each family adopting a tree to nurture and grow.
Seminarians of the Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary who contributed the native tree seedlings assisted in the mass and the tree planting activity.
Trees planted were Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa), Salingogon (Cratoxylum formosum) Patitinan (Lagerstroemia Batitinan), Salimbobog (Crateva religiosa) and Balitbitan (Cynometra ramiflora). These trees to grow are said to bring a sakura-like ambiance in San Jose when the trees reach its bloom. -Fr Eric Bobis