LGU Naga approves ordinance strengthening ‘tanod’ brigades
By Jason B. Neola
AN ordinance ensuring that all barangay tanod members are doing their jobs as responsible agents for peace and development will be implemented in Naga City.
City Ordinance 2021-033 otherwise known as “The Naga City Barangay Tanod Code” sets the qualifications of the barangay tanod members who will be appointed by the punong barangay with the concurrence of the Barangay Peace and Order Committee (BPOC).
Aside from being a Filipino citizen and a registered voter, the candidate for barangay tanod preferably should have trainings in public safety and completed Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) or Criminology course . He/she must be a resident for at least six months in the barangay where he/she is appointed, and within the age bracket of 18-60 years old.
Retired government employees, police or military personnel may also be appointed “based on the sound judgement of the punong barangay.”
Each tanod brigade, which number shall not be more than 20 in each barangay, must have at least four lady tanod members or 20 percent of the group’s total composition. Their inclusion is in compliance with the requirement stated in the Gender and Development (GAD) code of the Philippines.
Section 9 of the ordinance provides that the term of appointment of each barangay tanod member shall be coterminous with that of the punong barangay, unless earlier revoked for a valid cause, such as, violation of law (Revised Penal Code and Special Laws), commission of crime involving moral turpitude, gross neglect of duty, and loss of trust and confidence.
Councilor Joselito SA Del Rosario, who authored the ordinance, said that all duly appointed barangay tanod members shall be granted honoraria/allowances, insurance or other benefits during their incumbency.
“Pursuant to CHED Order 62 series of 1997, a maximum of two children of each barangay tanod member shall be provided with study grants on condition that the children are not more than 21 years of age at the time of application, at least high school graduate whose average rating is 80 percent or higher, have passed the entrance examination of the State College or University where he/she intends to enroll and financially incapable to pursue a college education and whose parents’ annual income does not exceed P72,000,” Del Rosario said.

BARANGAY TANOD CODE Mayor Nelson Legacion (5th from right) and Vice Mayor Cecilia De Asis (3rd from left) present copies of the Barangay Tanod Code after they signed the document on May 31. Photo also shows Councilor Joselito SA Del Rosario (leftmost) and his youth councilor counterpart Averly Jerryl A. Escoto (at Del Rosario’s right).
As agents of persons in authority, as provided in Chapter 2, Sec. 388 of the Local Government Code of 1991, barangay tanod members are mandated to adhere to the anti-illegal drug policy of the LGU which explicitly prohibits the use, possession, solicitation for, or sale of dangerous drugs. They are instructed also to dissociate themselves from pushers/users of illegal drugs and help maintain a drug-free community.
Under the ordinance, the LGU shall ensure the sustainability and continuity of the capability-building programs for barangay tanod by implementing in yearly basis the trainings on:
1. Self defense
2. Blotter writing
3. Fire suppression
4. Conduct of surveillance and reporting system
5. Basic Life Support and First-Aid trainings
6. Disaster and emergency response trainings
7. Training on incident command system, and
8. Other capability-building trainings
The conduct of each training course shall be given support and assistance by government agency concerned like the Naga City Police Office, Naga City Central Fire Station, Naga City First Responders Program Management Office, Public Safety Office, Lingkod Barangay Office, and the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management.
The measure also instituted awards and recognition system that aims to recognize the best performing barangay tanod in pursuit of the implementation and management of peace and order programs, projects, and initiatives. The following are the categories of the awards:
• Search for Outstanding Brgy Tanod Brigade (1st Place – P100,000 plus additional P100,000 worth of public safety projects; 2nd Place – P75,000; and 3rd Place – P50,000)
• Search for Outstanding Brgy Chief Tanod (P75,000)
• Search for Outstanding Brgy Tanod Member (P50,000)
Section 27 of the ordinance provided that a barangay tanod who reaches the age of retirement from service shall be granted monetization of the commendations he/she has received. Each title of commendation has a corresponding monetary value:
P5,000.00 for mayoral commendation; P3,000.00 for PNP commendation, and P2,000.00 for commendations given by national, regional, or local agencies or organizations.