Local officials urged to promote beekeeping
By Mavic Conde
IN time for the celebration of World Bee Day on May 20, Bicolano research scientist Maria Dulce Mostoles urged local government officials to champion beekeeping and conservation of native stingless bees.
“We hope that our legislators could support the beekeeping technology that emanated from Bicol and see its importance for marginal people as an alternative source of livelihood,” Mostoles told Bicol Mail in an online interview.
She added that its conservation is also a must, which includes bee hunting regulations and management since the development and adoption of the technology could lead to overexploitation of bee colonies.
According to her 2019 research, “stingless bees have more than 400 species in tropical and subtropical areas; the genus Tetragonula is indigenous and abundantly found in the Bicol region” where “five species of Tetragonula have been classified in the following species groups: laeviceps, iridipennis, and carbonaria.”
The Asian honeybee Apis cerana, and the giant honeybee Apis dorsata are also found in the region indicating the abundance of bee resources and favorable environmental conditions in the region, according to the study.
Mostoles also said that local governments can help by establishing their municipal apicultural center in coordination with Central Bicol State University as the regional apiculture center.
“I also dream of having an Institute of Meliponiculture in the region for this will expand the scope of the technology through more high end products from stingless bees,” she said.