By Reina Peñafrancia G. Rosin-Zaens, Mm
Associate Dean of Academics/Ores Director
Mariners’ Polytechnic Colleges, Inc. an educational institution specializing in the field of Business Education will be celebrating its 49th Foundation Anniversary come March 2-4, 2023. Numerous activities are lined up to commemorate the said occasion.
“The Mariners’ story, as shared and known to all was conceived in a dream and toiled to fruition. Founded by Commodore Jaime C. Jimenez, Sr. in 1975 as Mariners’ Polytechnic Colleges. The school was his humble contribution in Educating the Bicolano youth and opening to them within reach the opportunities in maritime profession and industry. Despite its being identified as a maritime school, all other branches (Canaman, Legaspi and Naga), offers both land and sea-based courses.

The MPC as a prime mover in achieving academic excellence and quality training thru dynamic and responsive instruction, research and extension programs to develop competent, socially responsive and globally competitive graduates toward socio-economic growth and sustainable development of the country and the world.” (https//>
PRIDE and EXCITEMENT envelope the entire community of MPCI, as we will all witness and be a part of the celebration.
The MPCI has brought home prestigious awards, may it be Academics or Sports, winning different contests inside and outside of Naga City, to cite, culinary arts under the auspices of the Bicol Region received numerous awards, Quiz Bowls held at UST, Manila last Dec 9, 2022, Mixology during the FEBX convention at Pili Cam. Sur, Event Management NC II passers garnering 100% passing rate held at CSIC Pacol, Naga City last December 21, 2022 the, yearly Peñafrancia Civic and Military Parade wherein our Band and Majorettes are most applauded. Our taekwondo team won !st place in the recently concluded tournament , not to mention our Basketball and volleyball team. The school’s gallery is the witness for all the laurels received and made MPCI faculty, staff and students beaming with pride as they wear the school uniform with MPCI seal on it.

The celebration will commence through a thanksgiving mass participated by the entire Mariners community followed by a parade with in the main thoroughfare of Naga City. Program will follow after to formally open the occasion. We will be honored by our guest speaker MS. DONNA MARIE MANECLANG, President & CEO, LEAD Resources Management Corporation.
True to its commitment, the 49th foundation anniversary of MPCI is not only limited to the participation of management, the faculty, students and alumni, but also our neighbor barangays (Tinago and Triangulo) as part of their community extention program. For the wholistic formation of the students, they do not only excel in academics but also in literary and musical side. Students will showcase their talents in singing and dancing.
Highlight also of this occasion is the Service Award, where we honor faculty and staff who have served Mariners’ through the years. Mariners will not stop here! We continue to soar high!
Hand in hand we will achieve our goals. Get excited for the 49th! Be challenged to experience the 50th!